Hi everyone,
I'm tryin' to deploy a private xwiki, so that non-logged people can't
view/edit any page, but the login/register pages.
Moreover, I set a specific registering process : people need a password
to register on the
http://xwiki.pps.jussieu.fr/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/RegisterNewUser page)
I did the following to set up the wiki (maybe it would be good that I
write some page with more details somewhere on
xwiki.org ? :)
i) I added /xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/RegisterNewUser,
/xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/RegisterJS, /xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/Key to set up
this protected register process
ii) In the xwiki global rights : appropriate levels to "allow" for
XWikiAdminGroup and XWikiAllGroup, every level to "deny" for users
Specific Page Access Rights : "view" level to "allow" for
XWikiGuest on the 3 previous pages named in step i) and to the
/xwiki/bin/edit/XWiki/XWikiUsers class
iii) I edited on the webapp filesystem
$WEBAPPS_HOME//xwiki/skins/xwiki10b1/global.vm file, assuming that my
default skin is xwiki10b1 and replaced the line
#set($regurl = $xwiki.getURL("XWiki.Register", "register"))
#set($regurl = $xwiki.getURL("XWiki.RegisterNewUser", "view"))
When all of this is set up, the only problem is that accessing the new
register or login page (as an XWikiGuest so), these two pages don't show
the associated stylesheet.
Some previous posts talked about giving the same specific Page Access
Rights to xwiki/bin/view/XWiki/DefaultSkin, and turning Off the "Always
authenticate on viewing" and "Always authenticate on editing" directives.
Even doing this, my register and login page don't show the stylesheet.
Did I forget anything ?
Julien Oix
UFR d'Informatique - Université Paris Diderot
Bureau 5C01 (5ème étage)
175 rue du Chevaleret
75013 PARIS
Tel : +33 (0) 144 278 504
Mobile : +33 (0) 664 392 207