Hi Vincent,
thanks for your fast reply. :)
The migration is described in the Release Notes and
I've just linked it
from the installation page this morning.
The tasks described in the Release Notes don't work for my problem. At the
moment I'm not able to display anything with XWiki, I just receive
Ha, that would be a problem. We need to track this as
this is supposed to
be the way to upgrade. What errors are you getting?
org.postgresql.util.PSQLException: ERROR: column xwikidocum0_.xwd_title
does not exist
This exception led me to assume that Hibernate mappings have changed. The
dump I've set up on my database for testing is identical to the live
system which serves the old XWiki.
(The whole log with more exceptions and details is here:
Don't do it manually!
We thought it would work seamlessly but it seems it
doesnt in
your case so we need to find out what's not working. Let's work
together to resolve this.
This sounds really great. Perhaps I should pass you my whole configuration
at first:
- OS: Windows XP SP 2
- Tomcat 5.5.20
- JVM: Java(TM) 2 Runtime Environment, Standard Edition (build 1.5.0_07-b03)
- DB: PostgreSQL 8.1.5 (JDBC: postgresql-8.1-408.jdbc3.jar) / UTF-8
The things I did:
- I downloaded xwiki-1.0-beta-1.war and deployed it via Tomcat Manager.
- Stopped Tomcat.
- Renamed xwiki-1.0-beta-1/ to xwiki/ in webapps-folder of Tomcat.
- Added Postgres-JDBC-driver to xwiki/WEB-INF/lib.
- Edited hibernate.cfg.xml: Removed MySQL entries, pasted our
configuration of the old XWiki and reconfigured some connection settings.
- Started Tomcat and tried to open
The connection settings from hibernate.cfg.xml:
<property name="connection.username">xwiki</property>
<property name="connection.password">topsecret</property>
<property name="connection.pool_size">50</property>
<property name="statement_cache.size">50</property>
Connections to the Postgres-DB are opened and data is transferred. The
connection seems to be ok.
Which information do you need additionally? What should I try to do?
Thanks in advance for your help! :)
Best regards,