I am a user of myxwiki and I receive notifications on pages such as "June 6:
Upgraded xwiki to version 3.1 SNAPSHOT from 2011-06-06. Don't forget to
upgrade your wiki with the latest XAR (Upgrade instructions)." Does that
mean the XWiki Core has been upgraded and I just need to upgrade wiki
documents? If so, having downloaded the latest XAR
(xwiki-enterprise-wiki-3.1-20110824.095236-263.xar in this instance) to my
PC, can I expand it within myxwiki or unzip it on my machine? Do I export my
xwiki, merge my files into the new build and then import back? Since with
myxwiki the wiki is already available I don't have the experience of
building one from scratch and the confidence to just make changes knowing
they are on a local machine. Please can you provide some clearer guidelines
for users of myxwiki.