On 04/13/2011 05:16 PM, afrey wrote:
Does anyone know if there is any chat extension for
the XWiki?
I took a look at the Skype extension, and what I got from that is that you
will have to use the Skype account/application to send the messages.
I was wondering if there would it be possible to do the chatting directly in
the XWiki.
The Skype extension simply tells if a user is online or not.
An official chat application was never committed, although, as far as I
know, two prototypes have been coded inside XWiki SAS, and other users
might have developed something similar for their projects.
A real time chat will be developed as part of the Wiki 3.0 research
project, in which XWiki SAS is a parter as well, but this will only come
at a later point.
Sergiu Dumitriu