Hi Tobias,
What would be great is if you could
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Check+Security+Cache and give us
the result. This should tell us why the permissions you have set do not produce any
Two devs have been trying to reproduce the problem to no avail so far. So we really need
more information on your setup before the migration. Running this extension could help a
lot too.
On 17 Nov 2015 at 12:05:55, Tobias Kirchhofer (tobias(a)kirchhofer.net) wrote:
We came from 7.1.
Meanwhile we solved the issue by restoring the Main-Wiki database from
backup. We store our data in subwikis, the main Wiki is just a welcome page
and holds the user (ldap). After restore from backup the permission system
worked like before also in subwikis. The rights settings here and there were
the same before and after.
Probably some weird side effect from migration.
We use XWiki as an Intranet - no free registration.
Tell me if we can support further with this issue.