Hi LiDan,
Thanks for reporting this. Would be great if you could create a jira
issue on
On Jun 17, 2008, at 5:06 AM, LiDan wrote:
I found that when I rollback a page with Chinese name. It caused some
exceptions, and the rollback action fails. This problem only takes
place in
IE6, in IE7, firefox, it's ok.
I believed it's encoding proble. Without clicked the rollback button
on the
history page, I copied the rollback URL into IE6 adress field
directly, and
go. It's OK. The difference is that when I clicked the rollback,
xwiki use
pop-up window to confirm whether to rollback. But when I put the
link in
adress field, xwiki confirm with me by normal page with yes and no
So I think the problem is the pop-up window. I go to historyinlin.vm
find <pre><td class="xwikibuttonlink"> $tdoc.getURL(
$msg.get("core.versions.delete.single") </td></pre> I changed it to
class="xwikibuttonlink"> $tdoc.getURL(
then it can rollback.