Hi, I recently installed XWiki Version 0.9.840, and when I go to edit, there is no wysiwyg
option. Is this a setting i need to turn on, a module, or an installation problem? No
really sure where to look to give more info, except i followed the following instructions
(one note, there wasn't "xwiki.store.hibernate.updateschema=1" option in my
xwiki.cfg file:
� This install documentation is for most Linux installations, with Tomcat and MySQL
downloads from the Apache and MySQL web sites.
� Download and install Apache Tomcat 5.0.28 or 5.5.9
� Download and install MySQL 4.1 (works also with 4.0)
� Download the latest XWiki version
� Download the latest XWiki database
� IMPORTANT For versioning of international characters to work, you need to launch
your tomcat
engine with -Dfile.encoding=iso-8859-1 and add LANG=fr_FR.ISO8859-1 as an
environment variable.
The test database contains international characters so you need these settings. For
a UTF-8 setup
please check Characters Sets
� Copy xwiki-0-x-yyy.war and rename it to xwiki.war in the tomcat/webapps directory
(rename before
copying if tomcat is already running).
� Create the xwiki database in mysql using the command "create database
xwiki" from mysql command
line client
� Grant mysql access with the following command: grant all privileges on xwiki.* to
identified by 'xwiki' ; (if you get connections problems try localhost
instead of the IP address)
� Download xwiki-db-x.zip and unzip it. Import the mysql dump into the 'xwiki'
database using "mysql -u
xwiki -pxwiki xwiki < xwiki-db-x.txt" from command prompt
� If you decide to use a different password or a different machine than the web server
machine for you
database, edit hibernate.cfg.xml to change the database configuration.
� Launch tomcat once or extract xwiki.war in the xwiki directory manually (in JBoss
extract manually
xwiki.war in a directory named xwiki.war)
� IMPORTANT: Update the xwiki.cfg configuration file to add
xwiki.store.hibernate.updateschema=1 to
make sure the database will be upgraded at startup (this variable can be then set
to 0)
� IMPORTANT: Edit xwiki/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml and modify your database connection.
With a
local install of xwiki it should be jdbc:mysql://localhost/xwiki
� If you want to use bigger attachments than 1Mb you need to change the packet size
setting in Mysql.
See Config Larger Attachments.
Testing your install
� Connect to the xwiki application at:
� View users at
� The default admin user is Admin with password admin
� Add a user at
� You can edit global rights at:…
� Common issues can be jar conflicts between the XWiki application and the Tomcat
� Sometimes it might be necessary to copy your database driver to the
tomcat/common/lib directory
from the xwiki/WEB-INF/lib directory (e.g.
mysql-connector-java-#.#.#-stable-bin.jar ) as well as the
commons-pool-1.1.jar and commons-dbcp-1.2.1.jar
� Sometimes you might need to copy jta.jar to the subdirectory tomcat/common/lib from
xwiki/WEB-INF/lib directory
Install on Linux, Tomcat, MySQL (en)
XWiki . AdminGuide . Install on Linux, Tomcat, MySQL
Creator: Date: 2005/09/12 15:29
Last Author: xwiki:XWiki.LudovicDubost Date: 2005/09/12 15:31
Copyright 2005 (c)
Thanks in advance.