Hello everyone,
After upgrading from XWiki 1.7 to 1.8, I am no longer able to enumerate
users or groups in the XWiki preferences pane. Instead, what I get is an
animated busy bar with the word "Loading..." printed across the top. This
never stops loading, and so I never get a list of users.
The same is true for any page where I need to set access rights. I get
the same thing, except I also get, printed across the top of the page:
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/usersandgroups/usersandgroups.js", true)
$xwiki.jsfx.use("js/xwiki/table/livetable.js", true)
$xwiki.ssfx.use("js/xwiki/table/livetable.css", true)
I did selectively import the new XAR in order to avoid having to page
preferences, but this appears even on pages that I allowed the new XAR to
replace, like the Sandbox.
I also reused my old xwiki.cfg, after looking at a diff between the old
one and a new one. I don't recall if I changed anything (sorry... it was
getting late in the day).
I am using LDAP to connect to Active Directory. Also, on first run, I
enabled the migration options in xwiki.cfg, but I have now commented them
Does anyone have any suggestions?
# Preamble
# This is the main old XWiki configuration file. Commented parameters show
the default value, although some features
# might be disabled. To customize, uncomment and put your own value
# General wiki settings
#-# When the wiki is readonly, any updates are forbidden. To mark
readonly, use one of: yes, 1, true
# xwiki.readonly=no
#-# [Since 1.6RC1] Defines the list of supported syntaxes
#-# Available syntaxes are:
#-# xwiki/1.0, xwiki/2.0, confluence/1.0, jspwiki/1.0, creole/1.0,
mediawiki/1.0, twiki/1.0, xhtml/1.0, html/4.01
xwiki.rendering.syntaxes = xwiki/1.0, xwiki/2.0
#-# List of groups that a new user should be added to by default after
registering. Comma-separated list of group document
#-# names.
# xwiki.users.initialGroups=XWiki.XWikiAllGroup
#-# Uncomment if you want to ignore requests for unmapped actions, and
simply display the document
# xwiki.unknownActionResponse=view
#-# The encoding to use when transformin strings to and from byte arrays.
This causes the jvm encoding to be ignored, since we want
#-# since we want to be independend of the underlying system.
#-# This parameter will activate the sectional editing
#-# Enable backlinks storage, which increases the update time, but allows
to keep track of inter document links.
#-# Enable document tags.
# Storage
#-# Role hints that differentiate implementations of the various storage
components. To add a new implementation for one
#-# of the storages, implement the appropriate interface and declare it in
a components.xml file (using a role-hint other
#-# than 'default') and put its hint here.
#-# The main (documents) storage.
# xwiki.store.main.hint=default
#-# The attachment storage.
# xwiki.store.attachment.hint=default
#-# The document versioning storage.
# xwiki.store.versioning.hint=default
#-# The attachment versioning storage. Use 'void' to disable attachment
# xwiki.store.attachment.versioning.hint=default
#-# The document recycle bin storage.
# xwiki.store.recyclebin.hint=default
#-# The attachment recycle bin storage.
# xwiki.store.attachment.recyclebin.hint=default
#-# Whether the document recycle bin feature is activated or not
# xwiki.recyclebin=1
#-# Whether the attachment recycle bin feature is activated or not
# storage.attachment.recyclebin=1
#-# Whether the document versioning feature is activated or not
# xwiki.store.versioning=1
#-# Whether the attachment versioning feature is activated or not
# xwiki.store.attachment.versioning=1
#-# Whether the attachments should also be rolled back when a document is
# xwiki.store.rollbackattachmentwithdocuments=1
#-# The path to the hibernate configuration file.
# xwiki.store.hibernate.path=/WEB-INF/hibernate.cfg.xml
#-# Whether to update the database schema on startup. Useful when
upgrading XWiki. as the mapping could change between
#-# versions, and this allows to automatically update the database. Should
be disabled (=0) during normal operation to
#-# improve the startup time.
# xwiki.store.hibernate.updateschema=1
#-# Allow or disable custom mapping for particular XClasses. Custom
mapping may increase the performance of certain
#-# queries when large number of objects from particular classes are used
in the wiki.
# xwiki.store.hibernate.custommapping=1
#-# Dynamic custom mapping.
# xwiki.store.hibernate.custommapping.dynamic=0
#-# Put a cache in front of the document store. This greatly improves
performance at the cost of memory consumption.
#-# Disable only when memory is critical.
# xwiki.store.cache=1
#-# Maximum number of documents to keep in the cache.
# xwiki.store.cache.capacity=100
#-# [Since 1.6M1]
#-# Force the database name for the main wiki in virtual mode and for the
wiki itself in non virtual mode.
# xwiki.db=xwiki
#-# [Since 1.6M1]
#-# Add a prefix to all databases names of the wikis in virtual mode and
to the wiki name in non virtual mode.
# xwiki.db.prefix=
# Data migrations
# Similar to schema updates, this manipulates the actual data, and not
just the layout of the database. Useful for
# migrating data to new formats, correct errors introduced in older
versions, or even for schema updates that are not
# handled by velocity.
#-# Whether migrations are enabled or not. Should be enabled when
upgrading, but for a better startup time it is better to
#-# disable them in production.
#-# Migration manager class. The default works with a Hibernate storage.
#-# Whether to exit after migration. Useful when a server should handle
migrations for a large database, without going
#-# live afterwards.
# Internationalization
#-# By default, XWiki chooses the language specified by the client
(browser) in the Accept-Language HTTP header. This
#-# allows to use the default language of the wiki when the user didn't
manually choose a language.
# xwiki.language.preferDefault=0
#-# Force only one of the supported languages to be accepted.
# xwiki.language.forceSupported=0
# Virtual wikis (farm)
#-# This parameter allows XWiki to operate in Hosting mode allowing to
create multiple wikis having their own database and
#-# responding to different URLs
#-# URL to redirect to when a requested wiki does not exist. This should
be changed to a real page.
#-# Forbidden names that should not be allowed when creating a new wiki.
# xwiki.virtual.reserved_wikis=
#-# How virtual wikis are mapped to different URLs. If set to 0 (the
default), then virtual wikis have different domain
#-# names, in the format
http://wikiname.myfarm.net/. If set to 1, then
the domain is common for the entire farm, but the
#-# path contains the wiki name, in the format
#-# Note that you can configure the "/wiki/" part with
xwiki.virtual.usepath.servletpath property.
# xwiki.virtual.usepath=0
#-# Configure the servlet action identifier for url path based multiwiki.
It has also to be modified in web.xml.
# xwiki.virtual.usepath.servletpath=wiki
# URLs
#-# The domain name to use when creating URLs to the default wiki. If set,
the generated URLs will point to this server
#-# instead of the requested one. It should contain schema, domain and
(optional) port, and the trailing /. For example:
#-# xwiki.home=http://wiki.mycompany.net:8080/
# xwiki.home=
#-# The name of the default URL factory that should be used.
#-# The name of the webapp to use in the generated URLs. The right value
is taken from the request URL, so setting this
#-# is not recommended in most cases. If set, the value should contain a
trailing /, but not a leading one. For example:
#-# xwiki.webapppath=xwiki/
# xwiki.webapppath=
#-# The default servlet mapping name to use in the generated URLs. The
right value is taken from the request URL,
#-# preserving the requested servlet mapping, so setting this is not
recommended in most cases. If set, the value should
#-# contain a trailing /, but not a leading one. For example:
#-# xwiki.servletpath=bin/
# xwiki.servletpath=
#-# The fallback servlet mapping name to use in the generated URLs. Unlike
xwiki.servletpath, this is the value used when
#-# the correct setting could not be determined from the request URL. A
good way to use this setting is to achieve short
#-# URLs, see
# xwiki.defaultservletpath=bin/
#-# Whether the /view/ part of the URL should be included if the target
action is 'view'.
# xwiki.showviewaction=1
#-# The name of the default space. This is displayed when the URL
specifies a document, but not a space, or neither.
# xwiki.defaultweb=Main
#-# Hide the /Space/ part of the URL when the space is the default one.
Warning: use 1 to hide, 0 to show.
# xwiki.usedefaultweb=0
#-# The name of the default page of a space. This is displayed when the
URL specifies a space, but not a document, or neither.
# xwiki.defaultpage=WebHome
#-# Hide the /WebHome part of the URL when the document is the default
one. Use 0 to hide, 1 to show.
# xwiki.usedefaultaction=0
# Users
# Authentication and authorization
#-# Enable to allow superadmin. It is disabled by default as this could be
#-# security breach if it were set and you forgot about it. Should only be
#-# for recovering the Wiki when the rights are completely messed.
#-# Authentication type. You can use 'basic' to always use basic
# xwiki.authentication=form
#-# Cookie encryption keys. You SHOULD replace these values with any
random string,
#-# as long as the length is the same.
#-# Comma separated list of domains for which authentication cookies are
set. This
#-# concerns mostly wiki farms. The exact meaning is that when a user logs
in, if
#-# the current domain name corresponding to the wiki ends with one of the
#-# in this parameter, then the cookie is set for the larger domain.
Otherwise, it
#-# is set for the exact domain name of the wiki.
#-# For example, suppose the cookiedomains is set to "mydomain.net". If I
log in
#-# on
wiki1.xwiki.com, then the cookie will be set for the entire
#-# domain, and if I visit
wiki2.xwiki.com I will still be authenticated.
If I log
#-# in on
wiki1.otherdomain.net, then I will only be authenticated on
wiki1.otherdomain.net, and not on
#-# So you need this parameter set only for global authentication in a
#-# farm, there's no need to specify your domain name otherwise.
#-# Example:
#-# This allows logout to happen for any page going through the /logout/
action, regardless of the document or the servlet.
#-# Comment-out if you want to enable logout only for
#-# The group management class.
#-# Default value for exo:
#-# The authentication management class.
#-# Default value for exo:
#-# Default value for LDAP:
#-# The authorization management class.
#-# If an unauthenticated user (guest) tries to perform a restricted
action, by default the wiki redirects to the login
#-# page. Enable this to simply display an "unauthorized" message instead,
to hide the login form.
# xwiki.hidelogin=false
#-# HTTP status code to sent when the authentication failed.
# Rendering
#-# Disable particular renderers (in the old rendering engine).
#-# Macro mapping
# xwiki.render.macromapping=1
#-# Velocity interpreter
# xwiki.render.velocity=1
#-# Groovy interpreter
# xwiki.render.groovy=1
#-# Plugin rendering
# xwiki.render.plugin=1
#-# Radeox wiki renderer
# xwiki.render.wiki=1
#-# Simple wiki syntax rendering
# xwiki.render.wikiwiki=0
#-# Maximum number of documents to keep in the rendered cache
# xwiki.render.cache.capacity=100
#-# Default target for external links. Use _blank to open external links
in a new tab/window.
# xwiki.render.externallinks.defaulttarget=
# Editing
#-# Minor edits don't participate in notifications.
# xwiki.minoredit=1
#-# Use edit comments
#-# Hide editcomment field and only use Javascript
# xwiki.editcomment.hidden=0
#-# Make edit comment mandatory
#-# Make edit comment suggested (asks 1 time if the comment is empty.
#-# 1 shows one popup if comment is empty.
#-# 0 means there is no popup.
#-# This setting is ignored if mandatory is set
# xwiki.editcomment.suggested=0
#-# new LDAP authentication service
#-# Turn LDAP authentication on - otherwise only XWiki authentication
#-# 0: disable
#-# 1: enable
#-# LDAP Server (Active Directory, eDirectory, OpenLDAP, etc.)
#-# LDAP login, empty = anonymous access, otherwise specify full dn
#-# {0} is replaced with the username, {1} with the password
#-# Force to check password after LDAP connection
#-# 0: disable
#-# 1: enable
#-# only members of the following group will be verified in the LDAP
#-# otherwise only users that are found after searching starting from the
#-# [Since 1.5RC1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# only users not member of the following group can autheticate
#-# base DN for searches
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the identifier to be used as
the XWiki name (default=cn)
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# Specifies the LDAP attribute containing the password to be used "when
xwiki.authentication.ldap.validate_password" is set to 1
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.password_field=userPassword
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The potential LDAP groups classes. Separated by commas.
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The potential names of the LDAP groups fields containings the members.
Separated by commas.
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.group_memberfields=member,uniqueMember
#-# retrieve the following fields from LDAP and store them in the XWiki
user object (xwiki-attribute=ldap-attribute)
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# on every login update the mapped attributes from LDAP to XWiki
otherwise this happens only once when the XWiki account is created.
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# mapps XWiki groups to LDAP groups, separator is "|"
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# time in s after which the list of members in a group is refreshed from
LDAP (default=3600*6)
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# - create : synchronize group membership only when the user is first
#-# - always: synchronize on every login
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# if ldap authentication fails for any reason, try XWiki DB
authentication with the same credentials
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# SSL connection to LDAP server
#-# 0: normal
#-# 1: SSL
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl=0
#-# [Since 1.3M2, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The keystore file to use in SSL connection
# xwiki.authentication.ldap.ssl.keystore=
#-# [Since 1.5M1, XWikiLDAPAuthServiceImpl]
#-# The java secure provider used in SSL connection
# Cache
# [DEPRECATED since 1.7M1: this way to configure cache provider is
deprecated, you should use xwiki.properties instead.]
#-# [Since 1.5M2]
#-# The cache component implementation to use as "normal" (can be local or
distributed depending on the implementation)
#-# cache component.
# xwiki.cache.cachefactory.hint=jbosscache
#-# [Since 1.5M2]
#-# The cache component to use as local cache component.
# xwiki.cache.cachefactory.local.hint=jbosscache/local
# WYSIWYG Editor configuration
#-# You can configure the toolbars you wish to see in the WYSIWYG editor
by defining the
#-# xwiki.wysiwyg.toolbars property.
#-# When not defined it defaults to:
# xwiki.wysiwyg.toolbars=texttoolbar, listtoolbar, indenttoolbar,
undotoolbar, titletoolbar, \
# styletoolbar, horizontaltoolbar,
attachmenttoolbar, macrostoolbar, \
# tabletoolbar, tablerowtoolbar, tablecoltoolbar,
#-# The full list of toolbars includes the one defined above and the
following ones:
#-# subtoolbar, findtoolbar, symboltoolbar
# Skin configuration
#-# The default skin to use when there's no value specified in the wiki
preferences document. Note that the default
#-# wiki already specifies a skin, so this setting is only valid for empty
#-# The default base for skins that don't specify a base skin. This is
also the last place where a skin file is searched
#-# if not found in the more specific skins.
# Extensions
#-# List of active plugins.
com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.watchlist.WatchListPlugin, \
#-# Enable light monitoring of the wiki performance. Records various
statistics, like number of requests processed,
#-# time spent in rendering or in the database, medium time for a request,
etc. Disable for a minor increase of
#-# performance and a bit of memory.
# xwiki.monitor=1
#-# Maximum number of last requests to remember.
# xwiki.monitor.lastlistsize=20
#-# Stats configuration allows to globally activate/deactivate stats
module (launch storage thread, register events...).
#-# Enabled by default.
# xwiki.stats=1
#-# When statistics are globally enabled, storage can be enabled/disabled
by wiki using the XWikiPreference property "statistics".
#-# Note: Statistics are disabled by default for improved
#-# It is also possible to choose a different stats service to record
statistics separately from XWiki.
# xwiki.stats.class=com.xpn.xwiki.stats.impl.XWikiStatsServiceImpl
#-# This parameter will activate the eXo Platform integration
#-# GraphViz plugin configuration. The GraphViz plugin is not configured
by default.
#-# To enable it, add "com.xpn.xwiki.plugin.graphviz.GraphVizPlugin" to
the list of plugins
#-# in the xwiki.plugins property.
#-# Uncomment and set the locations of the Dot and Neato executables
# xwiki.plugin.graphviz.dotpath=c:/Program Files/ATT/GraphViz/bin/dot.exe
# xwiki.plugin.graphviz.neatopath=c:/Program
xwiki.plugin.laszlo.path=c:/Program Files/Apache Software
Foundation/Tomcat 5.0/webapps/openlaszlo/xwiki/
#-# Calendar Prev/Next Month bounds.
#-# The calendar generates links to the previous/next months for a limited
range, by default 6 months back and 12 months
#-# after. A value of 0 means that there is no limit in that direction.
# xwiki.calendar.bound.prev=6
# xwiki.calendar.bound.next=12
#-# Lucene search engine
#-# Location where to place the lucene index files. The default is the
"lucene" subdirectory in the container's "work"
#-# diectory. Change it if you want to store indexes in another place.
# xwiki.plugins.lucene.indexdir=/usr/local/xwiki/lucene
#-# The text analyzer to use for indexing.
#-# The number of seconds to wait between reindexes. A smaller value
ensures that new documents will be indexed faster,
#-# but with a minor performance reduction. Adjust according to your wiki
# xwiki.plugins.lucene.indexinterval=20
#-# The maximum size of the indexing queue. After this limit is reached,
the reindex thread will have to wait until the
#-# queue is consumed. Note that this does not affect documents submitted
through the notification mechanism, only the
#-# full reindex option.
# xwiki.plugins.lucene.maxQueueSize=1000
# Misc
#-# Temporary directory where XWiki can put files (during exort and
upload, for example).
# xwiki.temp.dir=/tmp/xwiki
#-# XWiki work directory
# xwiki.work.dir=/usr/local/xwiki