On 02/14/2014 04:44 PM, Hamster wrote:
I have a problem getting the D3js example
<http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/D3+Example> to work.
I have a fresh XWiki 5.4 running. I have installed the D3js with the EM. I
then created a new Space called "D3". I created a page called
"D3.Data" and
pasted the data from the example. I then edited the "D3.WebHome" and pasted
the code to display the graph.
But when I click "Save & View", I only get a blank page. F5 (refresh) does
nothing. I then edit the page in the WYSIWYG editor...I can see the graph
being displayed! I can even use the arrow keys left and right to interact
with the graph. But when I hit "Save & View", the graph is NOT being
displayed, but part of the velocity code is. If I edit the page in XWiki
mode, I can see that some velocity code is now being 'escaped' by XWiki.
What am I missing here????
First thing you are missing is that the extension on the page is just a demo for the
impatient to view something before even installing something. It fetched the javascript
stuff from the D3 website directly; no need to install the D3js extension to run it ;)
Then, indeed the WYSIWYG editor does not handle the code snippet gracefully, just opening
the editor and saving without editing breaks the thing, there is just too many
inline <script> and other not-best-practice stuff in it it goes crazy and damages
the thing.
Using the Wiki-editor is highly recommended for this beast ;)
But these are all side notes ....
What is really puzzeling and what I am starting at for an hour without understanding is
that the normal view does not show anything.
All I get is a JavaScript Error "Refercence d3 not defined".
If you look at it in "plain view" it should be ok (same as inside the WYSIWYG
editor frame):
It seems one of the libraries XWiki loads in its normal layout conflicts with d3 in some
(Installing and using the extension "as advertized" does not work either, as the
"d3:loaded" event is never fired, btw ..)
Well, that's as far as I got. Only tested with Firefox, however.
Maybe someone else can shed some more light on this.