Hi list,
I have a really weird bug which is quite annoying and I don't find any
solution to it :
I want to edit a page in inline mode. I have a form to select the page
to edit with a button. I use the $xwiki.getURL() method to get the right
URL. When i select my page and click on the edit button, I have an
invalid URL error and i am deconnected. What is weird is that if I
reconnect and actualize the page I can access it. The second weird thing
is that I use exactly the same method to edit other pages form other
forms in the same first page and I do not have the problem. I am quite
lost with this issue. I tried to recreate the URL as a string but I have
the same problem.
I am thinking maybe this is a known bug in xwiki. If not maybe i am
missing something somewhere. Please open my eyes on the obvious i am
missing in my code :
<FORM method=POST action="">
<input type="hidden" name="backlog"
value="${backlogId}" />
<input type="hidden" name="webname" value="Project"
<input type="hidden" name="name" value="backlog"
<input type="hidden" name="domain"
value="${domainId}" />
<input type="hidden" name="cut" value="${cut}" />
Select topic : <SELECT name="topic">
#foreach ($item in $topiclist)
<input type="button" value="Select"
onclick='{this.form.action="../../view/" + this.form.webname.value +
+ this.form.name.value + "?backlog=" + this.form.backlog.value +
"&domain=" + this.form.domain.value + "&topic=" +
+ "&cut=" + this.form.cut.value; this.form.submit(); }'/>
<input type="button" value="Edit"
this.form.action="${xwiki.getURL(url, "inline")}"; this.form.submit();
}' />
Note that the problem is only with the Edit button, the other is working
Thanks in advance for your help.
Jean Couteau
Code Lutin -
44 Bd des Pas Enchantés - 44230 St-Sébastien/Loire
Tél : 02 40 50 29 28 - Fax : 09 59 92 29 28