I'm wondering if it's possible to migrate Xwiki from one system to another??
I currently run Xwiki on a FreeBSD 8.0 RELEASE x64 platform with 4GB RAM
in a dedicated FreeBSD Jail, however I'm having an issue with Java
spinning up the CPU to 100% rendering Xwiki inoperable!
If I migrate it would be from FreeBSD to either a dedicated FreeBSD
system or an OpenSolaris based system on Nexenta.
Currently I run Tomcat6 coupled with Postgresql, but would migrate to
Glassfish and MySQL.
Is it just a matter of backup the Xwiki from the web GUI then restore
under Glassfish and convert database from Postgresql to MySQL then
attach at other end?
Or can I just simply dump the /webapps/xwiki folder into Glassfish or
another instance of Tomcat?
Thanks for any advice!!