Bonjour Christian,
You can do that with the blog already, using its latest version (shipped
with XWiki Enterprise starting version 1.8M1). There is a UI in the wiki
administration to create new blogs hosted in their own spaces.
For Calendar and Album Photo apps, unfortunately, that is not going to
work without some adaptation of the applications (Note also that we are
not going to bundle those applications, calendar and photo album, any
longer with XWiki Enterprise - but they will remain available for
download and installation on
Note that XWiki Workspaces ( offers this
(applications and users management per workspace - no calendar thought).
Hopes this helps,
Christian Dionne wrote:
Sorry if this question was already asked. Is there a way to make
available the Calendar, Photo album and blog but for individual spaces?
It would mean that only user from that space would see the content of
these sections.
To make this clearer:
- Space 1
o Calendar 1
o Photo Album 1
o Blog 1
- Space 2
o Calendar 2
o Photo Album 2
o Blog 2
For example, calendar 1 and calendar 2 would have totally different
content only available to the users own their current space.
Thanks for your help,
Christian Dionne
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