Sergiu Dumitriu-2 wrote:
--- = -1
False = 0
True = 1
And to answer another of your questions, --- means something like
unselected, not answered, neither. I know it doesn't quite fit in the
boolean logic, but otherwise there's no way of having neither true nor
false for a field.
Thanks for your reply Sergiu, this helps clarify things, however....
Sergiu Dumitriu-2 wrote:
(!$object.getProperty("example_bool").value == 1)
I tried this method as you suggested, and got the same result as the
original, the 'True' count is still representing all the objects found with
the HQL query, and the 'False' count remains at zero. I also tried this:
#if ($object.getProperty("example_bool").value == 0)
When I tried this, I got the same result on the page, it rendered, and the
'True' count represents all the objects, while the 'False' count remains
zero, BUT, I get an error in the Tomcat window:
[ERROR] Left side ($object.getProperty("example_bool").value) of '=='
operation has null value. If a reference, it may not be in the context.
Operation not possilbe. ExampleSpace.ExamplePage [line 90, column 56]
So obviously I'm doing something wrong still. The syntax I'm using seems to
be correct, can anyone point me in the right direction? This is
frustrating, as it seems that testing the value of a boolean property should
be relatively easy.
Thanks again.
Yes, I read the whole snippet again. The problem is that $object is not
an object, but a document. You must replace:
#set ($object = $xwiki.getDocument(${item}))
#set($object =
Sergiu Dumitriu