Xavier MOGHRABI a écrit :
Hi folks,
I try to display RSS coming from Google about ObjectWeb on my nice XWiki wiki.
The URL is :
So I've added in my XWiki:
unfortunately I obtain the following errounous message :
rss: Error processing
http://news.google.com/news?q=objectweb&output=RSS&ned=us?=end=us?=en: Server
returned HTTP response code: 403 for URL:
it seems the parameters are bringing issues.
The navigator renderer truncate (or replace) the "&lang" part of the
URL, but in the source code the URL appears correctly.
To retreive the source code of the page which is returned by google, you
can try this line in your wiki page :
The error is :
"Your client does not have permission to get URL
/news?q=objectweb&output=RSS&ned=us&lang=en from this server."
The problem was already known, the user-agent exposed by ROME (the rss
and atom lib) is not authorized by google. It has been submited to
Patrick Chanezon (author of ROME and employee of google) and remains
unresolved. A possible solution would be to change the user-agent in
xwiki's ROME configuration (sorry but I'm new to XWiki so I cannot be
more precise).
Jean-Vincent Drean.