I had a dream ;-) to share my personnal notes and geek tips through a wiki
rather than on text files stored on my hard drive. I started to write
tutorials on a cloud wiki(1) but I discovered that cloud wiki does not allow
guest comments and runs an old version of xwiki(2).
I have discovered later that it's possible to run a full wiki if we gently
ask on this mailing list. Please find below my wiki request.
- My xwiki.org's user name: xrichard
- Description of the Wiki: first level tutorials on Windows, Android, Ubuntu
and maybe more
- Server Name for this new wiki: tutos
I hope a kind admin will create this wiki for me on the "XWiki Community
farm". Thanks in advance ;-).
1. my test Wiki (sorry it's in french):
2. limitations on cloud xwiki, see discussion here:
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