On 28 Oct 2015 at 11:35:53, vincent(a)massol.net
(vincent@massol.net(mailto:vincent@massol.net)) wrote:
Hi Alex,
On 28 Oct 2015 at 11:27:16, AlexIv
(a.ivanov@inostudio.com(mailto:a.ivanov@inostudio.com)) wrote:
Yes, I am sure bc I created a new test VM to give
you the step by step
Did you use my step by step instruction with Debian8 using apt packages to
install and upgrade xwiki?
Not exactly (I don’t use aot/debian on my machine), I’ve done the following (which
shouldn’t change anything normally since the update is on the DB):
That’s a wrong statement indeed since the issue could be in the DB. I was thinking
apt/debian/servlet container when I wrote this and they shouldn’t affect the issue but the
DB could very well have an impact.
Someone would need to try to reproduce on mysql (going on holidays tonight and a bit busy
ATM, not sure I’ll have the time to try it today).
* Installed HSQLDB distribution version 7.2
* Changed language to RU
* Created a top level doc + a nested one
* Set the Nav panel on the left
* Installed HSQLDB distribution version 7.3M1 and moved the data/ dir from the 7.2
distribution to the 7.3M1 distribution
* Restarted XWiki 7.3M1 and perform the DW upgrade
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