Hi folks,
Wondering if anyone has had the opportunity to use the email plugin at
all on B2 or B3?
Specifically, I have two things I'm trying to acchieve:
1) Setup email notifications for changes to specific parts of a document
(eg, change occurred to field x in document y). Can't seem to find
anything specific for details on this,- if there is something there,
please point me in the right direction.
2) Emailing from the Xwiki system directly (documentation/faq for which
seems to have disappeared since I last used it to implement on 0.9.840).
The origional sample which Ludovic wrote up is still there
http://old.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Demo/SendMail on the old xwiki
site), but configuration documentation seems to be missing, From
recollection, there was a few things we had to configure - as the
default HELO is sent using a combination of fields which includes the
version number (and naturally gets rejected by our SMTP server as it is
not a valid email address supplied as origionator).
Brandon Esbach
Software Engineer
M/A-Com Eurotec Operations
LoughMahon Technology Park,
Skehard Road,
Cork, Ireland
Tel +353 21 4808305