Create a link on a header in the same page is painfull.
First reflex is to use the link syntax of the link
[[label>>Space.Page#HMyheading]] as described
http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/XWikiSyntax#HLinks and
ommitting the "Space.Page".
It seems quite natural but it does not work and we have to use the xwiki
syntax link specification : [[label>>||anchor="HMyHeading"]]
Each time I have to do this, I spend a lot of time to retrieve this
information (my co-worker too), so I create my own xwiki user guide but I
think it should be more easy if this information stay on xwiki syntax...
Is it possible to add a new row in the the table of Links section with
[[label>>||anchor="HMyHeading"]] ?
Or better, allow us to create links with [[label>>#HMyheading]]
By the way, I'm not alone:
Best regards,