hello people,
1. I created a template: TemplateWikiFull, and imported xwiki-enterprise-ui-wik...xar , to
my wiki have all features.
1.1I insert a line basic in template page of this wiki (to identify the inheritance)
2. I created a Space: in the TemplateWikiFull wiki, named: TemplateSpace.
2.1 I insert a line basic in template page of this Space (to identify the
3.I created a Page: in the TemplateWikiFull wiki, named: TemplPage1
3.1I insert a line basic in template page of this Page (to identify the inheritance)
if I create a new wiki based on the above template, this new wiki inherits?
if I create a new Space ou Page based on the respective above template, inheritance
well... in each of these steps I tried to create them, but there was no inheritance.
can someone help me?
where I went wrong, or does this feature not work that way?
thank you everyone!!!!
Rogério Oliveira
tel. (82) 9929 1558 / 8876 8214
skp: rogerio.macrocoop
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