On 03/22/2012 07:06 AM, mohit gupta wrote:
At link
I see the XWiki
Enterprise<http://enterprise.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome> and XWiki
Platform<http://platform.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Main/WebHome> as two
differnt projects. But features explained at below two links looks almost
same to me.As per my understanding basic war file(
xwiki-enterprise-web-3.2-war ) is considered as platform project and when
we import XAR file on top of that it becomes enterprise project. This is
just a guess. Probably you folks can provide better inside what is the
basuc difference between these two projects.
The platform is all that can be found in
There is no "final" package that one can install to get the "XWiki
Platform" running. The platform consists of all the different modules
that are developed by the XWiki community and included by the committers
in the official repository. The real outcome of the platform is this
collection of modules that can be combined together to make useful
applications. Each module serves a different purpose and brings one or
more features to the "XWiki Platform offering".
XWiki Enterprise is just a way to group some platform modules, in order
to get a usable product. All the built packages available under
http://maven.xwiki.org/releases/org/xwiki/enterprise/ are XE, even if
they don't include the default set of documents (the Enterprise XAR).
All the features of XWiki Enterprise are actually features provided by
the platform. But the platform provides more feature than what XE
includes. For example, the IRC application allows a wiki to connect to
an IRC channel and communicate in both ways: log in the wiki what
happens on IRC, and notify in the IRC of what happens in the wiki. But
this application isn't included in XWiki Enterprise, since it's too
specific and doesn't match the goal of the XE distribution.
Sergiu Dumitriu