Hello People,
I am trying to customize the jsTree extension because I want to show just the tree of a
specific space that arenot blog posts.
I have changed the query to avoid to show the posts and it is working well. Ok.
I have start to understand the code and I have changed two parts in the code to show just
a space:
var parsedJson = JSON.parse(data, function (k, v)
$.each(parsedJson, function (i, item) {
You can check the code here:
As you can see here:
I could filter the spaces, however the containers and icons of the other folder still are
showing in my page...
I don’t know very much of javascript and I don’t know where to attack now, do you have
some tip what functions I need to modify?
Thank you!
Grupo Energisa
Danilo Oliveira
Analista Suporte Aplicacao TI - DPTO CORP. DE INFRAESTR. TI
e-mail: danilo.oliveira(a)energisa.com.br | tel: (32) 3429-6342 | cel: (32) 8452-9478
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