On Mon, Nov 2, 2015 at 1:00 PM, Pascal BASTIEN <pbasnews-xwiki(a)yahoo.fr>
I have a xwiki doc class with some properties: 'Static List' type and
'Page' (multiselect) type.
I try to write a query to retrieve document in one query shot but I
encoutered problem with 'Page' type.
This query working well based on
select distinct doc.name, doc.creationDate from XWikiDocument as doc,
BaseObject as obj, StringProperty prop where (doc.fullName=obj.name and
obj.className='FormSMQ.ACClass' and doc.space='FormSMQ' and
doc.hidden=false and prop.id.id=obj.id and prop.name='P1_Processus' and
prop.value='M3') order by doc.creationDate desc
'P1_Processus' is a static list type
But this query doesn't work:
select distinct doc.name, doc.creationDate from
XWikiDocument as doc,
BaseObject as obj, StringProperty prop where (doc.fullName=obj.name and
obj.className='FormSMQ.ACClass' and doc.space='FormSMQ' and
doc.hidden=false and prop.id.id=obj.id and
and prop.value='MYVALUE') order by doc.creationDate desc
I suppose the 'P1_Processus' property has single selection, which means
'prop.value' is a string and thus you can write
"prop.value='M3'". If the
Page type property is multiple select then it's value is a list. You should
check the
"List all blog posts, published and not hidden (filter by multiple
properties of an object)"
example from
. Look for :
:category member of blog.category (in the XWQL version)
DBStringListProperty as categoryProp join categoryProp.list list (in the
HQL version)
Hope this helps,
Ididn't find some "PageProperty" in
then I must use DBStringListProperty ?
Any help will be welcome.
Pascal B
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