Hi Mark,
On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 12:24 AM, Mark Wallace
<mwallace(a)modusoperandi.com> wrote:
Are these bugs in XE 3.4? When I create a new class
and then objects of
that class, the page title is the name of the class sheet, not the name I
entered for the page (which is what I'd expect and what you'd see in earlier
versions such as XE 3.1). I call this BUG 2 in the steps to reproduce,
below. While we're at it, there is also what I call BUG 1 in the steps
below, where it appears the name of the class does not show up in the "bread
crumbs" trail (or whatever you call that) at the top of the page.
These are indeed regressions. I introduced them in 3.2 along with the
new sheet system (
http://extensions.xwiki.org/xwiki/bin/view/Extension/Sheet+Module ).
Sorry for the inconvenience.
In the new sheet system the sheet controls not only how the content of
the document is displayed, but also how the title of the document is
Steps to reproduce:
1.Log in as Administrator
2.Go to /Data types/ page
3.Enter class name /TitleTest/ and click /Create This Class/; (system shows
an edit page)
4.Click /Save & View/; (system shows the class page)
5.Click on /class editor/ link; (system shows editing class page)
6.Enter property name /aString/ with type /String/ and click /ADD/ button
7.Click /Save & View/
8.*BUG 1*: Note that at top of page, says Wiki Home
>> XWiki Space >> Data
Types >> (blank).Shouldn't there be the class name here?)
There are two problems: the class doesn't have a title and the sheet,
XWiki.ClassSheet, doesn't display correctly the class title.
9.Click /Create the Document Sheet/
10.Click /Bind the sheet to the class/
11.Click /Create the Class Template/
12.Click /Add a TitleTest object to the template/
13.Under /Create a new document/, enter Document name /TestDoc1/ and click
/Create this Document/
14.Enter the value /some value/ for the /aString/ property and click /Save &
15.*BUG 2*(?): Note that the largest text on the page is /TitleTestClass
Sheet/ --shouldn't this be the page name we used to create the new document,
the same name that is at the end of the URL
http://localhost:8080/xwiki/bin/view/Main/TestDoc1), which is TestDoc1??
16.Click /Edit > Wiki/, and enter the title /TestDoc1/ and click /Save &
17.Note that the largest text on the page still says
/TitleTestClass Sheet/
--shouldn't this be the title we just entered??
The sheet (TitleTestSheet) decides that. The problem is that the sheet
displays its own name, instead of displaying the title of the document
it is applied to. The sheet can leave the title field empty to let the
document control how the title is displayed. Otherwise the title of
the sheet is rendered.
I reported
http://jira.xwiki.org/browse/XE-1105 and I, hopefully, fixed it.
Hope this helps,
Mark Wallace
Principal Engineer, Semantic Applications
Modus Operandi, Inc.
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