Hi Aaron,
On Jun 26, 2009, at 10:25 PM, Aaron Digulla wrote:
Asiri Rathnayake schrieb:
So, when you complete the tutorial there should
be three wiki pages
1. One document for the Class definition (FAQs.FAQClass)
2. One document for the sheet (FAQs.FAQClassSheet)
3. One document for the template (FAQs.FAQClassTemplate)
Questions for you:
1. Do you have all these three documents?
2. Are the syntax of all these documents set to xwiki/2.0
3. On the sheet & template, are you sure you have the correct wiki
That is sheet document should be referring the correct class document
(FAQs.FAQClass) and the template document should be referring the
sheet document (FAQs.FAQSheet).
Okay, I think I got it now: After creating the class and the sheet,
document you see is empty (the sheet). This is confusing since the
exists and it has properties, so why is XWiki not displaying them?
I don't understand what you mean. The sheet doesn't contain any class.
IMHO, it would be better to automatically create the
sheet and
along with the class and attach an object of the class with the
right away. That would allow need a lot less clicks and edits and
the same result.
This class wizards stuff is just a small application to help you
creating classes. The notion of sheets and templates are also not core
constructs. In lots of cases you don't even need them. It really
depend what you're doing. If everything was hidden it would be nice
and automagical but you wouldn't understand what you're doing.
Still I agree that we would need to work on the class wizard
application. It hasn't been touched for years and would greatly
benefit from a big overhaul.
Also, this replacing of names must go. I already
entered this
information and XWiki should use it (instead of having me to reenter
three times).
Yes, I agree.
Lastly, adding another property should not throw away
the edits I made
to existing properties.
It doesn't for me. This is actually what I did in the demo at jazoon:
I created several properties before click on save.
PS: Keep sending feedback and ideas (even though we're aware of most
of them - what we really need are patches to progress ;)).