I started out with my system configured to use the hibernate attachment
storage and then later converted it to file storage using the Database to
Filesystem porter in the Admin Tools extension. Initially everything
appeared to work fine. Attached images reappeared on the pages after I ran
the porter. But now I'm finding that, if I load a new version of an
attachment image, the page continues to display the old version of the image
instead of the new one. If I edit the page, delete the image and then
reinsert it, the updated version is displayed in the WYSIWYG view. But after
I Save & View the page, the old version of the image is displayed. Even if I
delete the attachment completely from the list of attachments and the page
and then reload the new version (so that the old version is no longer
listed) and add it back to the page, the old version is still displayed.
My environment is as follows:
Debian 8, Java openjdk-7-jre-headless, postgresql 9.4.6, tomcat8
The problem occurs in both my production system on 7.4.1 and a new VM
created from scratch with 7.4.2.
Note that, in order to get the porter to work, I had to replace the groovy
script with the new version provided by Caleb as per
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