Wanting to get my feet wet with xwiki in the fastest way, I found that
jelastic supports xwiki for easy click deployments. However, I had a few
questions/issues that I hope someone could guide me through:
1) Is it possible in jelastic "click-like' deployment to select a branch
outside of the development (milestone1 in this case) for something the LTS
branch? I could not find anything from a jelastic viewpoint.
2) The Installation Wizard seemed to hang up on what exactly it was doing
without doing some toggling between "view details" and such. Maybe it's
not verbose enough tied in with a combination of newbieness.
3) icons of the css class sort are not manifesting in the default flavor
install (Blog, Dashboard, Statistics, etc...)
4) dropdowns in all cases (users, edit, more actions, etc) do not activate.
With that, I'm encouraged by the idea of xwiki, but I think I want
something more stable if I can figure out how to do that easily.
Thank you