If you use a custom results page (MySpace.MyJSON) then *you* are
responsible for implementing the live table sort and filter. You even
have a TODO for this in your code
## TODO: Add code to filter data
so I don't understand what you're asking. Of course the sort and
filter don't work. You need to implement them.
Hope this helps,
On Tue, Jun 16, 2015 at 10:25 AM, <withwind303(a)gmail.com> wrote:
Everyone! My xwiki verison is 6.4.3. I want to use the Livetable macro to
achieve to manage my table and paging it. But the table can not sort or
filter,i really don’t know I was wrong, could you someguys help me? Here is
my code:
The page I use livetable code:
#set($columns = [ "user" , "message" ])
#set($columnsProperties = {
"user" : { "type" : "text" },
"message" : { "type" : "text"}
#set($options = {
#livetable("twitter" $columns $columnsProperties $options)
MySpace. MyJSON:
{{velocity wiki="false"}}
#if("$!{request.xpage}" == 'plain')
## Offset = item # at which to start displaying data
#set($offset = $util.parseInt($request.get('offset')))
## offset starts from 0 in velocity and 1 in javascript
#set($offset = $offset - 1)
#if($offset < 0)
#set($offset = 0)
## Limit = # of items to display
#set($limit = $util.parseInt($request.get('limit')))
## Tag = one parameter per tag
#foreach($tag in $request.getParameterValues('tag'))
## TODO: Add code to filter items based on the selected tags
## Sort direction
#set($order = "$!request.sort")
#if($order != '')
#set($orderDirection = "$!{request.get('dir').toLowerCase()}")
#if("$!orderDirection" != '' && "$!orderDirection"
!= 'asc')
#set($orderDirection = 'desc')
## ===========
## Filter Data here...
## ===========
## TODO: Add code to filter data
## Each column can be filtered and the filter for a column can be retrieved
## #set($filterValue = "$!{request.get(<columnname>)}")
## ===
## ===
"totalrows": 2,
"matchingtags": {},
"tags" : [],
"returnedrows": 2,
"offset": 1,
"reqNo": $util.parseInt($request.reqNo),
"rows": [{
"doc_viewable" : true,
"user" : "vincent",
"message" : "vincent's message"
"doc_viewable" : true,
"user" : "jack",
"message" : "jack's message"
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