According to the installation/upgrade guide, "You may want to upgrade to
a newer version of the Default Wiki XAR in order to benefit from the
latest changes. As mentioned above in the "Installing the Default Wiki
XAR" section you should be very careful and when doing the import make
sure you selectively decide what pages you wish to import."
Is there any particularly good recommended way of doing this
efficiently? I'm just musing here, but it seems as though the wiki
(potentially) has the entire revision control history of these default
pages. Given that, it should be able to compare the initial default
state, the current state (possibly user-edited or not), and the state of
the new default state for each file within the XAR, and use this
information to perform a three-way merge. I could imagine that merge on
import would be beneficial in other applications if doing crazy
applications involving branching/cloning wikis on a wiki farm or
something like that.
I personally don't need any pretty xwiki app to do this, if I can
accomplish it in my shell, it'd be fine. And barring comments, I'll try
to work this up on my own. Still if such an app could be devised, I
should think it'd make the upgrade process friendlier to the more casual
administrator. The major problem I'd foresee is either finding a
platform independent merge tool, or forcing the user to point to their
own merge tool and command line syntax (similar to Subversion's
Again, I may be over thinking this, but any thoughts on the matter would
be appreciated.
Paul Grodt
Software Engineer
Tecore Networks