On 03/06/2010 01:06 AM, Abel Solórzano Astorga wrote:
Thanks again Caleb,
I try your suggestion, but I keep getting a null value from *
The fields Map (
*valdoc.getDocument().**getxWikiClass().fields.keySet(**)*) is empty.
I put the following line on the code:
*println valdoc.getDocument().getxWikiClass().toString()*
and the result is
I was expecting to see the properties on the XML.
Is valdoc the document containing the class? It doesn't look like it
from the name.
So, you must do something like:
#set($classDoc = $xwiki.getDocument('Your.Class'))
#set($propertyDefinition = $classDoc.getxWikiClass().get('project'))
## $propertyDefinition.class should now print com.xpn.xwiki.api.PropertyClass
## Unfortunately, at this point you need programming rights to go into the inner,
protected property definition
#set($propertyDefinition = $propertyDefinition.getPropertyClass())
## $propertyDefinition.class should now print
## If it doesn't, then you don't have programming rights.
## Don't forget to save
Sergiu Dumitriu