this was the most longest week since i can remember.
Why is that hard to use a css object inserted into a page without messing
all the text of a page?
1. I have a document in a page, to which i (have to ?) add a stylesheet
object at the edit mode. in this stylesheet object i place my css code. This
page has a simple name like: TemplateStyleClass
2. i make another page in the space and import the above page:
$xwiki.ssx.use("TemplateStyleClass") So i automatically
Xwiki new styntax makes us use the: "{{velocity}}{{html}}" when we have
velocity code and tables(html).....if i am wrong feel free to show me an
example that works to show a table or divs or #set(something) without those
2 lines at the begining and at the end;
When i try to do something extremmly simply like having text and tables ,
some in divs, some not, the surprise pops.
<div class="leftSidePanel">
(% style="font-size: 1em;" %)
== **LEFT** ==
<div class="rightSidePanel">
(% style="font-size: 1em;" %)
== **RIGHT** ==
In XWIKI Sintax() you specify:
(% style="text-align:center;color:blue" %)
Centered and blue paragraph
== Header ==
This means that if someone is using the new sintax (2.0) this is how he
should write the code inside the document and plus, it shows how it will
"== Header ==" this creates sections. it does....if not inserted in a
If i put "{{/html}}{{/velocity}}" before i write
(% style="text-align:center;color:blue" %)
Centered and blue paragraph
and then start all over with these lines : {{velocity}}{{html}} and so oon.
it does not recognize my divs anymore.
This should have been an easy and routine, actually boring stuff to do, to
make a page, import a css where u declare 2 panels, use them in the page and
add simple text and code where you desire.
But it turned out to be a day of a big hassel. If the documentation says :"
(% style="text-align:center;color:blue" %)
Centered and blue paragraph" then this should just work.
Thank you
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