I'm trying to get the values of two fields from xwikiattahment table with this HQL
select att.filename,att.date from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc where
doc.fullName='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.filename like '%abstract%' and
att.date > '2012-03-01' and att.docId=doc.id order by att.filename;
The query fails. When used to get only one field, it works fine. For instance...
select att.date from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc where
doc.fullName='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.filename like '%abstract%' and
att.date > '2012-03-01' and att.docId=doc.id order by att.filename;
select att.filename from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc where
doc.fullName='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.filename like '%abstract%' and
att.date > '2012-03-01' and att.docId=doc.id order by att.filename;
and, the SQL equivalent to the in troubles query works also fine. This way...
select att.XWA_FILENAME,att.XWA_DATE from xwiki.xwikiattachment att, xwiki.xwikidoc doc
where doc.XWD_FULLNAME='Event.IIXornadaIDIS' and att.XWA_FILENAME like
'%abstract%' and att.XWA_DATE > '2012-03-01' and
att.XWA_DOC_ID=doc.XWD_ID order by att.XWA_FILENAME;
Please, where am I wrong when trying select att.filename,att.date from
xwiki.xwikiattachment att,...?
I'm running XWiki Enterprise 2.4.30451.
Thanks for your help!
Ricardo Rodríguez
Research Management and Promotion Technician
Health Research Institute of Santiago de Compostela (IDIS)
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