Context : XEM 2.7.1 on Tomcat6.0 + MySQL 5.0
I'm used to restore my xwiki farm SQL backup on a test environment.
I have to update the Domain names and then it works fine.
But this time, I encounter the following issue :
- I can retrieve the different version of an existing attachment
(without any problem)
- I can add a new version of an attachment (the version number is
incremented and I can download it) but ...
- When I look at the revision history of the attachment, all the old
revisions are now lost and the following lines appear in the xwiki.log
2011-06-14 10:56:04,169
WARN internal.DefaultVelocityEngine - Deprecated usage of method
[com.xpn.xwiki.api.XWiki.parseMessage] in
2011-06-14 10:56:04,169
WARN doc.XWikiAttachment - Failed to load archive for
attachment [xwikisanitycheck.sql(a)Documentation.WebHome]. This
attachment is broken, please consider re-uploading it. Internal error:
Error number 3231 in 3: Exception while loading attachment archive
xwikisanitycheck.sql of document Documentation.WebHome
Wrapped Exception: Error number 0 in 3: Exception while hibernate execute
Wrapped Exception: Exception occurred inside setter of
2011-06-14 10:56:04,169
WARN doc.XWikiAttachment - Cannot retrieve versions of
attachment [xwikisanitycheck.sql(a)Documentation.WebHome]: null
Hopefully, this doesn't occur on my production environment.
Do you have any idea about this issue ? Your help will be really appreciated.
Maxime Sinclair