Hi Developers,
i like came up with this. It functions just well, but i have a problem:
I have to safe all 3 Documents as you can see in the code below.
-What if the Users created some other pages or add attachments to that
space and don't set the rights so that only members of the group should see
the stuff in the space? I guess i will have some space with some hidden
docs and some public.
-So how could i set the rights globally for the space?
-I am trying to do this upon authentication. i.e user transmits me the name
of the group and space to create upon Authentication.. Problem is at the
time of creation the user is not yet logged in. So i see space created by
unknown User.
-Could anyone please help with some ideas.
Thanks Clemens, and thank you all in advance.
The code:
protected void addUserToGroup(String xwikiname, XWikiContext context)
throws XWikiException {
// Create a group and add the user to the newly created group.
BaseClass groupClass = context.getWiki().getGroupClass(context);
// Get document representing group. Rights are set for the group
when the group is saved in Xwiki space
DocumentReference groupDocumentReference = new DocumentReference(
context.getDatabase(), "XWiki", "XWikiTestgroup");
XWikiDocument groupDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(
groupDocumentReference, context);
BaseClass rightsClass = context.getWiki().getRightsClass(context);
// trying to see how to add rights
if (groupDoc.isNew()) {
log.error("Creating Test group");
synchronized (groupDoc) {
// Add a member object to document
BaseObject memberObj = groupDoc.newXObject(
groupClass.getDocumentReference(), context);
memberObj.setStringValue("member", xwikiname);
// groupDoc.getObject("XWiki.XWikiGlobalRights");
// If the document is new, set its content
document='XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet' /}}");
BaseObject grouprights = groupDoc.newXObject(
rightsClass.getDocumentReference(), context);
grouprights.setStringValue("levels", "view");
grouprights.setStringValue("levels", "edit");
grouprights.setStringValue("users", "");
grouprights.setIntValue("deny", 1);
// Save modifications
context.getWiki().saveDocument(groupDoc, context);
DocumentReference spacePrefsRef = new
.getWiki().getDatabase(), "XWiki.Myspace",
XWikiDocument spacePrefs = context.getWiki().getDocument(
spacePrefsRef, context);
BaseObject rights = spacePrefs.newXObject(
rightsClass.getDocumentReference(), context);
rights.setStringValue("levels", "view,edit");
rights.setStringValue("users", "");
rights.setIntValue("deny", 1);
context.getWiki().saveDocument(spacePrefs, context);
DocumentReference spacePrefsRefWebh = new
.getWiki().getDatabase(), "XWiki.Myspace",
XWikiDocument spacePrefsWh = context.getWiki().getDocument(
spacePrefsRefWebh, context);
BaseObject rightsWh = spacePrefsWh.newXObject(
rightsClass.getDocumentReference(), context);
rightsWh.setStringValue("levels", "view,edit");
rightsWh.setStringValue("users", "");
rightsWh.setIntValue("deny", 1);
context.getWiki().saveDocument(spacePrefsWh, context);
log.error("Added user" + xwikiname + "to Testgroup");
2014-04-21 5:06 GMT+02:00 Daniel Ebanja <danielebanja(a)googlemail.com>om>:
Hi does someone please see what i am getting wrong
here? The rights are
not just beeing set.
protected void addUserToGroup(String xwikiname, XWikiContext context)
throws XWikiException {
// Create a group and add the user to the newly created group.
BaseClass groupClass = context.getWiki().getGroupClass(context);
// Get document representing group
DocumentReference groupDocumentReference = new DocumentReference(
context.getDatabase(), "Myspace", "Testgroup");
XWikiDocument groupDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(
groupDocumentReference, context);
BaseClass rightsClass = context.getWiki().getRightsClass(context);
// trying to see how to add rights
if (groupDoc.isNew()) {
log.error("Creating Test group");
synchronized (groupDoc) {
// Add a member object to document
BaseObject memberObj = groupDoc.newXObject(
groupClass.getDocumentReference(), context);
memberObj.setStringValue("member", xwikiname);
// groupDoc.getObject("XWiki.XWikiGlobalRights");
// If the document is new, set its content
document='XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet' /}}");
// Save modifications
context.getWiki().saveDocument(groupDoc, context);
DocumentReference spacePrefsRef = new
.getWiki().getDatabase(), "Myspace",
XWikiDocument spacePrefs = context.getWiki().getDocument(
spacePrefsRef, context);
BaseObject rights = spacePrefs.newXObject(
rightsClass.getDocumentReference(), context);
rights.setStringValue("levels", "view,edit");
rights.setStringValue("users", "");
rights.setIntValue("deny", 1);
context.getWiki().saveDocument(spacePrefs, context);
log.error("Added user" + xwikiname + "to Testgroup");
thanks in advance.
2014-04-19 16:09 GMT+02:00 Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar <
to add access rights to a space, you have to add an "XWiki.XWikiRight"
object to the page <spacename>."WebPreferences".
I have not tested it, but it should look somewhat like:
DocumentReference spacePrefsReference = new DocumentReference(
context.getWiki().getName(), spaceName, "WebPreferences")
XWikiDocument spacePrefs =
context.getWiki().getDocument(spacePrefsReference, context)
then add the "rights" object like you did in your code, except that
you add it to spacePrefs instead of groupDoc.
(I guess you also need to set
rights.setStringValue("levels","view,edit"); instead of doing two
Do not forget to save spacePrefs, too.
hope this helps,
On 04/19/2014 08:14 AM, Daniel Ebanja wrote:
Hi Developers,
i have been trying this the whole time already and decided to ask for
I want to create a space, a group and add a
member to the group. The
should only be viewed by this group.
Here is my code till now. The Space is created, the group too and the
login in is added to the group. I can't
figure how to assign the rights.
protected void addUserToGroup(String xwikiname, XWikiContext context)
throws XWikiException{
// Create a group and add the user to the newly created group.
BaseClass groupClass = context.getWiki().getGroupClass(context);
// Get document representing group
DocumentReference groupDocumentReference = new
XWikiDocument groupDoc = context.getWiki().getDocument(
groupDocumentReference, context);
BaseClass rightsClass =
if (groupDoc.isNew()) {
log.error("Creating Test group");
synchronized (groupDoc) {
// Add a member object to document
BaseObject memberObj = groupDoc.newXObject(
groupClass.getDocumentReference(), context);
memberObj.setStringValue("member", xwikiname);
BaseObject rights=
rights.setStringValue("groups", "Testgroup");
rights.setStringValue("levels", "edit");
rights.setStringValue("users", "");
document='XWiki.XWikiGroupSheet' /}}");
// Save modifications
context.getWiki().saveDocument(groupDoc, context);
log.error("Added user"+ xwikiname +"to Testgroup");
Thanks for any help.
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Ebanja Daniel
Informatikstudent der Hochschule Darmstadt
Ebanja Daniel
Informatikstudent der Hochschule Darmstadt