On 11/22/2010 04:27 PM, afrey wrote:
I tried the following query but I didn't get anything :(
#set($fruits = $services.query.xwql("from doc.object(Fruit.FruitClass) as
fru, doc.object(Supplier.SupplierClass) as sup where
fru.Supplier.Name=sup.Name and sup.City='Melbourne'").execute())
there is a query described as "Search blogs per category". Blog category
is a database tree but "member of" might work with database lists also.
Can you try:
#set($fruits = $services.query.xwql("from doc.object(Fruit.FruitClass)
as fru, doc.object(Supplier.SupplierClass) as sup where sup member of
fru.Supplier and sup.City='Melbourne'").execute())
Hope this helps,