On Oct 16, 2009, at 11:05 AM, Valdis Vītoliņš wrote:
It seems to me, Xwiki 2.0 has a memory leak (see
memory increase form
week 41 to week 42).
Virtual memory for jsvc process has increased to almost 1GB.
One thing to note is that it's normal that the memory increases if the
document cache is not filled for example.
By default this cache stores 100 documents (unless you've modified the property in xwiki.cfg).
Thus the size of the memory will vary with the size of the documents
in this cache too. If you have a big doc of 10MB in the cache the
total memory used will be larger by 10MB.
BTW to flush the cache you can call $xwiki.flushCache() (you need
programming rights) and check the memory after the flush.