I eventually created a JIRA on this ...
I think it's the same issue I encountered (see my other posts "Still issue
in livetable...").
I did investigate a little, and in my understanding the sort query
generated by XWiki.LiveTableResultsMacros is broken when type of field is
not text (StringProperty).
It seems to me that the macro in this case do not properly retrieve the
field type, and so puts the default, StringProperty. Of course the query
returns no answer, and your livetable is empty.
In my case I corrected it in a very ugly way, for my particular use-case on
Dates properties. I did not find, though, exactly why the macro do not find
the correct type, but I think it might be linked to how the resultsmacros
page is called (with parameters like "TargetDate_class=${propClassName}"),
in this case it would more be a bug in the #livetable macro or in the
I wanted to create a JIRA on this but I'd like some feedback from the wiki
team before :)
2010/3/4 Hans-Peter Zorn <hpz(a)>
I am using xwiki 2.1.1 and i am having problem
with livetable and a simple
custom class.
Here is my code:
#set($collist = ["Customer", "Responsible", "TargetDate",
"priority", "_actions"])
#set($colprops = {
"Customer" : { "type" : "text" , "size" : 20,
"link" : "edit"},
"Responsible" : { "type" : "list" , "class":
"TargetDate": { "type" : "date"
"displayName":"Target Date"},
"Activities" : { "type" : "text" },
"priority": {"type": "number" },
"_actions" : {"actions":
#set($options = { "className":"Task.TasksClass",
"rowCount": 15 })
#livetable("alldocs" $collist $colprops $options)
It displays three documents, but as soon as I click on one of the other
columns to sort the table, it gets empty.
For the allDocumentsSnippet it works.
I have no carriage returns or quotes in the fields that are to be
I tried with different options and also only two fields (customer and
priority): the same happens.
Is this a known bug or did I misunderstand the livetable macro?
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