Hi !
- I (maybe I
am not really up to date with xwiki) cannot figure what pages
can be accesseed by each users (if someone can tell me how to find that I
will be pleased to pay him/her a pint of Guinness).
If you really want to, I guess you could iterate over all the documents in
your wiki and call the $xwiki.hasAccessLevel('view',
$someUserThatYouAreInterestedIn, $someDocument) and get the list of
documents a user has rights on.
Thanks for the hint (maybe if in a next version this can be added to have this
without programming ?).
- We are on
xwiki 2.1.1 and all trys to upgrade to 6.x have fail on
randoms parts (mostly rights that has been exploded, eg. everybody can see
anything), or some pages being broken (people that hack too mutch groovy,
they should not).
A lot has changed from 2.1.1. You need to carefully read release notes and
fix deprecated calls in your pages' scripts, etc. It's not really a
straight-forward process, but the Distribution Wizard is supposed to help
you along the way.
Yeah :) I saw that. It has been one year I am working on that (I am "new"
sysadmin for my company since more than 2 years, working on make all things
up to date, old sysadmin has the very bad habit to "not upgrade"...).
The most strange things, is... every migration has new issues, maybe because
of me or something... So it is very hardwork to migrate that.
So to avoid
issues with rights, we have an idea to split our xwiki into 2
servers :
- one for internal, if this too mutch rights this is not an issue
- one for external users (customers !), with only the pages that should be
online for users, with reset of user's list and clean rights management.
If you really want this setup, you could use the multiwiki feature and have
your main wiki for internal usage, with access to programming rights and
everything, and create a subwiki for clients.
I thought of that, but really I'd love the KISS feature :) Anyway I will
evaluate this :)
Now I want to
find a way to automaticaly sync some spaces between our
master xwiki and some slave xwiki... Any good pointers?
I can't really recommend any extension that I know of (there may be), but I
think you could easily achieve this with a scheduler job that would
periodically synchronize your spaces. You would be the one defining that
this synchronization is (override from master to slave, the other way
around, merge, etc.), inside the job's code.
Since I am a very newbee in xWiki, have any pointer about this kind of work ?
Xavier Beaudouin - Senior Network and System Administrator
Infrastructure and network director
Horizon Software -
13 rue La Fayette - 75009 PARIS - France
Phone: +33 (0)1 4260 9490 Fax: +33 (0)1 44 56 97 01