I tried to follow the following instructions from
cros :
How to install and run from within XWiki Enterprise
* Download xwiki-plugin-velocidoc-0.3.jar and
xwiki-core-xmlrpc-client-1.5.jar from this page
* Install them in your WEB-INF/lib installation and restart your
XWiki Enterprise
* Import velocidoc-0.3.xar in your Wiki
* Visit XWiki.Velocidoc. You can choose 3 parameters to generate
your documentation:
o Name: name of your wiki: Test
o Filename: name of your output zip file: test.zip
o Spaces: list of spaces to analyse: leave empty if your wiki
is small
* The output will be a zip file attached in XWiki.Velocidoc and a
macro will automatically display it in the page
The Xwiki.Velocity page has the following input boxes, which indicates
that something has changed from the instructions above:
"File name: EGS.zip
Spaces: EGS EGSroot
Package Name: EGS Documentation"
When I filled the document out as above no attachments and no new
display are produced. In Xwiki.VelocityGroovy the following is
======================= [DISPLAY] =============================
import net.sourceforge.velocidoc.Velocidoc; import com.xpn.xwiki.*;
import com.xpn.xwiki.api.*; import com.xpn.xwiki.doc.*;
public class VelocidocGroovy4 {
public byte[] generateZip(name, filename, spaces, context) { def gen =
new net.sourceforge.velocidoc.Velocidoc(); gen.setDefaultName(name); if
(spaces!="") gen.setSpaceList(spaces); gen.setOutputDir(filename);
gen.setZip(true); gen.setContext(context.getContext()) return
gen.generateZip(); }
public int addAttachment(pagename, filename, zipdata, context1) { if
(!context1.hasProgrammingRights()) return -10; def context =
context1.context; if (context==null) return -10; def xwiki =
context.getWiki(); def doc = xwiki.getDocument(pagename, context); def
attachment = doc.getAttachment(filename); if (attachment==null) {
attachment = new XWikiAttachment();
doc.getAttachmentList().add(attachment); // Add the attachment to the
document attachment.setDoc(doc); } attachment.setContent(zipdata);
attachment.setFilename(filename); // TODO: handle Author
doc.saveAttachmentContent(attachment, context); return 1; } }
============================[END DISPLAY]========================
Does the line "import net.sourceforge.velocidoc.Velocidoc;" indicate
that the velocidoc-bin-0.3.zip also needs to be installed first as a
prerequisite to "Xwiki" version?
Here the signature at the bottom of the page:
"Creator: LudovicDubost on 2008/08/20 23:38
This wiki is licensed under a Creative Commons 2.0 license
XWiki Enterprise - Documentation"
Steven Calkins