i have included couple of RSS feeds on a page. But when i go to that page
that takes lot of time to load(around 20 secs). I understand that it
is happening becuase of inclusion of RSS feed. I think what happens is
everytime i click on that page, it brings the fresh content
from RSS subscribed sites. My question is can we configure the time
frequency so that RSS feeds are fetched after certain specified
time not everytime on click of that page. It will improve the performance a
Here is my code that included RSS feed under tabs.If we can specify the
time frequency ,it would be great. If it is not possible
can we bring the RSS content of only site mentioned under first tab. Now if
user further clicks on second tab, content for that rss
feed is fetched that time itself instead of fetching contents of all rss
feed sites at a time(or if we can make the fetching
RSS feed contents asynchronously it would be amazing without imapceting
page loading).
{{tabs idsToLabels="tabId1=Martin Fowler, tabId2=Coding Horror"/}}
(% id="tabId1" %)
{{box cssClass="tabId1div"}}{{/box}}
feed="http://martinfowler.com/feed.atom" content="yes"
(% id="tabId2" %)
{{box cssClass="tabId2div"}}{{/box}}
feed="http://feeds.feedburner.com/codinghorror/" content="yes"