I have seen another threads, but I didn't noticed any good idea. I have
only seen JCR project in the sandbox.
I have no idea what is JCR. «JCR» sounds very different from
«filesystem». Installing and maintaining JCR is likely to be yet another
brainache I'd like to skip. Finally, «Translate XWQL to JCRSQL2» sounds
very different from «simple and reliable». «Storing 10Mb octet streams
in database» doesn't sound like being reliable, and indeed it caused
strange problems recently.
So my humble wish is to see xwikiattachment_content table replaced with
a mere filesystem storage. Other tables left intact. Maintaing
«Space/Document/Attachment» structure is not a requirement (althoung it
would be nice since I could share it in GreyLink DC++ this way).
If you want to get to the top, you have to start at the bottom