Hi everybody, my name is Kévin Laîné, i'm a french guy.
I'm working on a collective project about "alternative models of family".
Xwiki seems to be the best community tool management I've discovered.
I'm really interested for opening an xwiki on the "XWiki Community farm". I
have some questions before asking you to open a session.
1) Is it possible to use a domain name like "domain.tld" instead of
"domain.myxwiki.org" ?
2) Is it possible to install some extensions as bulletin board or others ?
3) Is it possible to embed "Nabble Free Forums" or other Nabble apps ?
4) Is it possible to make private backup of the xwiki ?
Vincent Massol is working on "Alternate URL Scheme"
5) When it will be ready could I use this option on myxwiki even if I my xwiki is in
production ?
Thank you very much for your answers.