Currenlty we have a main wiki that integrated with LDAP having many groups.
We also have many sub wikis and we need to access these from certain ldap
groups only. For this we done the following:
- Modified xwiki.users.initialGroups= to empty and deleted XWikiAllGroup
from all wikis.
- In main wiki created groups with same name as LDAP groups(for eg:
OperationsInfrastructure). Mapped groups in
- Now in respective sub wiki in rights for groups took scope as global and
for the respective group we assigned all permission.
- We tried login to sub wikis and the result are as follows:
1. For some wiki its works fine. In which user is added to respective group.
2. For remaining wikis its not working properly. We are getting an error as
"You are not allowed to view this document or perform this action." While
checking in these sub wikis user is gets created but its not in any group.
Thats why it doesn't have any permission.
Please let us whats the issue is and the procedure done from my side is
correct or not. Also please let us know whats the best method to restrict
wiki(Also spaces) with respect to LDAP groups.
Can anyone please help us on it.