Hello everyone,
I have an issue after upgrading several xwikis from 6.2.1 to 7.4.3 I am not able to add
new wiki pages in our navigation panel. The old ones are completly working but just the
news ones won't add up. I am aware that there was a change between lucene and solr
search engine. In additional I am not able to use {{spaceindex/}} for news spaces for
listening any childpage anymore. I someone able to explain what I may do wrong or even
share there navigation config? I hope I was missing something. I have atteched our
navigation config beneath and hope one could point out my mistake. Thank you in advance!
#set ($hiddenPages = ['Main.WebRss', 'Main.DatabaseSearch',
'Main.WebSearch', 'Main.LuceneSearch', 'Main.WebSearchRss',
'Main.BlogRss', 'Main.TagsRss', 'Main.RegisterNewUserAction',
'Main.SpaceIndex', 'Blog.Category'])
#set ($viewablePages = ['Main.LuceneSearch', 'Main.Zugangsdaten',
'Main.Howto', 'Main.Notfallpläne',
'Main.Datenschutz','Main.HFFSpeiseplan', 'Main.Externe
Datenspeicher', 'Main.Postverteiler',
'Main.Leitfaden','IT.Changelog', 'IT.Lizenzen',
'IT.Inventarisierung', 'IT.Protokolle', 'IT.Genese, Historie,
Grobplanung', 'IT.Hosts', 'IT.Standards', 'IT.Kaufmaenisches',
'IT.Layer 1 -3', 'IT.Policies', 'IT.Services', 'IT.Howto',
'IT.Zugangsdaten Seriennummern',
'WebDev.FlughafenMĂĽnchenRelaunch', 'Production.Colormanagement',
'Production.Workflow', 'Production.Applikationen',
'Druckreiz.Howto', 'Druckreiz.Services', 'WWG.Howto',
#set ($blacklistedPages = ['WebPreferences'])
#set($spaces = ['Main', 'IT', 'pb_space','WebDev',
'Production', 'Druckreiz', 'WWG'])
#set ($spacecount = 0)
(% id="xwikinavcontainer" %)
(% id="xwikinav" class="accordion" %)
#foreach ($space in $spaces)
#if ($hasAdmin || ($xwiki.hasAccessLevel('view', "${space}.WebHome")
&& !$blacklistedSpaces.contains($space)))
#if ($doc.space == $space)
#set ($spacecount = $foreach.index)
(% id="xwikinav${space}" %)
(% id="xwikinav${space}Header" class="accordionTabTitleBar" %)
(% id="xwikinav${space}Content" class="accordionTabContentBox" %)
#set ($spaceDocs = $services.query.xwql('where doc.space=?1 order by
doc.name').addFilter('hidden').bindValue(1, $space).execute())
#foreach ($page in $spaceDocs)
#if ($viewablePages.contains($page))
#set($dotIndex = $page.indexOf('.')+1)
#set($pageName = $page.substring($dotIndex))
#if (!$blacklistedPages.contains($pageName) || $hasAdmin)
#if ($doc.fullName == $page)
* **${doc.name}**
* [[$page]]
)))## xwikinav${space}Content
)))## xwikinav${space}
)))## xwikinav
)))## xwikinavcontainer
{{html clean="false"}}
<script type="text/javascript">
document.observe('xwiki:dom:loaded', function() {
var obj = {div:'xwikinav', no:$spacecount, height:250};
var acc = createAccordion(obj);