Good Morning People!
More one day working in XWiki!
Well, I have talked with my team and we want to use the Xwiki to save our ITIs
(Information Technology Instructions) but I will need implement specifics customizations.
Well, Ii is two customizations.
First: create a template to ITI document.
It is ok, I did through the Template tool.
Second: Implement request approval flow to changes in the ITI documents.
All changes in our ITI need to be approved by our manager, then my idea is: All changes
done in the ITI document generate a request to our manager (email) that can approve or not
the change.
I am thinking to put a "state" in the document that represents if the document
is updated, in other words, if it the last updated has less than 1 year.
Updated less than 1 year -> Document OK (green)
Updated bigger than 1 year -> Document not OK (red)
How can I do it? Will I need to develop any extension?