We ran into a rights problem, which might be the result of ignorance, but could also be
caused by a perceptual omission in the rights model. The following happened:
1. created space, with explicit rights on group 'GroupA' (this automatically locks
out users who are not a member of this group) => ok
2. create/edit a page as user 'UserA', member of 'GroupA' => ok
3. UserA (owner/creator of the document) grants view rights to user 'UserB', NOT
in GroupA => problems!
Now the creator/owner of the document (UserA) can NOT view his own document anymore! Same
for problem for every other user in 'GroupA'.
I figured that this is correct from a certain point of view: an explicit view for a
specific user locks out all other users, but that includes the owner and all other users,
including those in 'GroupA', with correct rights at the space level.
A possible solution is to grant GroupA explicitly at the same time you grant a specific
user access to a certain page, but people will forget to do so.
My question is: did we do anything wrong, and is it possible to manage the rights in a way
that prevents this counter-intuitive behaviour?
I have the feeling that the rights model lacks real-inheritance: when checking permissions
for a user, it should return the permissions including that of the group as if it were his
explicit permissions, also for pages that inherit rights from the space. E.g.
hasView('UserA') should always return 'True' when the group he belongs to
has view rights at the space level.
Now it apparently returns 'False' when there is an implicit override by granting a
user view rights. Or does inheritance from the space levels stops working as soon as
there's any kind of override on a specific page?
A possible but crude work-around could be using some intelligent trigger functions in the
database to explicitly add all rights from the space to the specific document as soon as
an XWikiRights object is written, but that's kind of a last resort.
Could you help me? I hope for a better solution!
Wouter Boasson (MSc)
Geo-IT Research and Coordination
RIVM - National Institute for Public Health and the Environment
Expertise Centre for Methodology and Information Services
Contact information
VenZ/EMI, Pb 86
t.a.v. dhr. Drs. Wouter Boasson
Postbus 1
3720 BA Bilthoven
T +31(0)302748518
F +31(0)302744456
E wouter.boasson(a)rivm.nl
mo - th
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