Hi again,
FYI I am running XWiki in Tomcat and MySQL, clean install (not migration).
Well, I've been playing with browser console as Clemens suggested and I
can't see any error in client side.
I think request is reaching server as I can read the following both in
*Network tab in Firefox* and in *localhost_access_log* when I check any
of the group rights:
HTTP/1.1" 200 7/
However, unregistered user rights (the ones below group table rights)
are working fine! Note that I can see a different behavior in this case:
POST instead of GET. As follows:
HTTP/1.1" 204 -/
I thougth issue was related just with group rights but it happens also
with user rights (except for unregistered ones).
If I can help you with more info just ask it!
ASOL Email Un cordial saludo,
Iago Lluque
*Alínea Software Solutions S.L.*
Travesía del Comercio 3, 2º 36002 Pontevedra España
Tel: +34 986 845 699
Email: info(a)alineasol.com <mailto:info@alineasol.com>
El 17/11/2015 a las 12:31, Clemens Klein-Robbenhaar escribió:
Hi all,
I'm trying the new stable version of XWiki (7.3) and I'm facing problems with
group rights.
I'm unable to keep them set, as if I leave Rights page and then come back again all
rights I've tuned up remain unset (reseted to "default" I think...)
Is anybody else having this issue? Any workaround?
Thanks in advance!
To me it looks like your changes are not stored on the server.
Can you see if you get any errors in the Javascript console (Ctrl-Shift-J in most
browsers) when setting rights?
The same browser tools often have a "Network" tab. Do you see any network
traffic there when setting rights?
(every time you click on a setting, there should be at least one bit of network traffic
sending your changes to the server instantly)
It would be great if you could post your findings as this will help to reproduce the
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