Hi Joris
I think there is no "good" solution in Velocity. I would do it in a
Java component. If you do not want to write a component you could use
Groovy alternatively. There you have the possibility of while.
If it has to be Velocity you could write a DB query which gets you all
your IssueXYZ documents. From those you can get the highest number and
increment your result.
Hope this helps
On Wed, Jan 11, 2012 at 3:36 PM, Joris Dirks <joris(a)user.stekje.nl> wrote:
One of the use cases I have for my wiki is storing
'issues', where
each issue should have a serial number consisting of year + subsequent
I was thinking about a script like this, but one of the problems is:
there is no 'while' function in Velocity.
How would you create a form for this? Thanks for your ideas!
#set($year= ${xwiki.formatDate($datetool.date, 'yyyy')})
#if(!$xwiki.exists($issueID) && $xwiki.hasAccessLevel('edit',
$context.user, $issueID))
$response.sendRedirect($xwiki.getURL($ID, 'inline',
## Stop processing, since we already sent a redirect.
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