Hi, there is a topic just few days ago " Persistent Admin session...."
is the same you ask.
I take the way as says ":pete" below.
P.D. De donde sos Carolina?, saludos!
A.U.S. Enrique Ferreyra
Centro de Cómputos
Red Megatone - Red Confina
Comment out the line:
<input type="hidden" name="j_rememberme" value="" />
from login.vm
That prevents from setting persistent cookies.
I have a problem. I logging in, after I'm close the window of my wiki
When I open my site, I follow loggin in. So I clean all the cookies,
the cache, but I always follow loggin in.
Thanks in advance
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A.U.S. Enrique Ferreyra
Centro de Cómputos
Red Megatone - Red Confina