Hi Everybody!
We went live with out XWiki last week, after three months of testing - and there is one
issue about XWiki and GoogleAds.
Our Firewall blocks Googleads - every time when a user opens XWiki with the internet
explorer there ist the security hint that
"there is no blocking information for the security certificate available".
When I click on "show certificate" I get the information, that the certificate
has been issued for googleAds.
Does anybody know what XWiki has in common with googleAds and where I can prevent Xwiki
from "telephoning" home?
The Window with that hint appears everytime when xwiki is opened in a new IE-Window...
Thanx in advance...
Toby :)
- if anyone needs a script for the database-plugin for creating searchable phone-list -
just write me :)! Ill send you the source-code
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