I ran a diff on the old schema and the new schema and this is the
Table= xwikiclasses
ADD: xwo_validation_script character varying(255)
Table= xwikiclassesprop
ADD: xwp_customdisplay character varying(60000),
xwp_validation_regexp character varying(255)
Table= xwikidoc
CHANGE: old= xwd_archive character varying(200000) NOT NULL
new= xwd_archive character varying(200000)
ADD: xwd_custom_class character varying(255),
xwd_validation_script character varying(255)
Table= xwikipreferences
ADD: xwp_notification_pages character varying(255),
xwp_invitation_email_content character varying(60000),
xwp_left_panels character varying(2000),
xwp_right_panels character varying(2000),
xwp_show_left_panels integer,
xwp_show_right_panels integer,
xwp_page_width character varying(255),
xwp_languages character varying(255),
xwp_registration_anonymous character varying(255),
xwp_registration_registered character varying(255),
xwp_edit_anonymous character varying(255),
xwp_edit_registered character varying(255),
xwp_comment_anonymous character varying(255),
xwp_comment_registered character varying(255)
After the exception, what changes have been applied already if any?
Try to add the missing changes manually.
If this still fails enable connection and statement logging in your
Postgres database.
On Feb 5, 2007, at 11:08 AM, Dandre wrote:
Hi Rudolf,
Yeah I did what you said and it worked for the dummy DB I've setup
earlier today.
When I cleaned up everything and added our production DB, and
applying what you said, it still gave me the same error as what I
experienced last week and the week before. Aparently I am missing a
XWiki.XWikiPreferences Document.
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